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Serving Those Who Have Served

Recent studies suggest approximately 320,293 California veterans live in homes with one or more major problems of quality, crowding, or cost.* In addition, housing affordability is the greatest housing problem among veterans.

San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity is making addressing this problem a priority.

Prior to becoming a homeowner with SGV Habitat, Omar Leyva, a United States Army veteran, resided in a cramped Pasadena apartment alongside his wife Nataliya and their young child. Their happiness revolved around family time, and their aspiration was to expand their family further. However, the reality of frequent repairs needed in their apartment and a malfunctioning air conditioning system, making the sweltering summer months uncomfortable, made it clear that, given their current living and financial circumstances, the dream of having another child would remain just a dream.

Lives Change When You Give

Today, Omar and his wife Nataliya proudly call themselves Habitat homeowners, thanks to the generous support of individuals like YOU! Nestled in a vibrant community built with your donations, they are flourishing in the comfort of a safe, affordable, and stable home. Moreover, their dream of expanding their family has become a beautiful reality.

To help more families like Omar’s, generous individual donors are matching up to $30,000 made to our organization from Veterans Day on November 11 to Giving Tuesday on November 28. Thank a veteran this Veterans Day with a donation to alleviate the burden on military families. Help them not just survive, but thrive. Together we can build and repair more homes for our veterans throughout the San Gabriel Valley.

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