Tyler Roberts
Board Chair
Vice President of Finance/C.W. Driver
Debbie Slavin
Vice Chair
Senior Director of Employee Experience
Bluebeam, Inc
Paul Nelson
Chief Financial Officer/PBS Southern California
Malisa Day
Senior Vice President | Government Bkg Rel Manager /US Bank
Senior Vice President | Government Bkg Rel Manager /US Bank
Daniel Carney
Kathy Christopher
Retired / MINISTER
Retired / MINISTER
Eric Chen
President/Chateau Operating Corp.
Robert Lo
Executive Vice President & Head of Commercial Real Estate Banking/East West Bank
Alice Yen
Managing Director/KPMG
Robert Dauth
VP PreConstruction/ Westport Construction
Steven Cuneo Jr.
General Counsel/ C.W. Driver Companies
San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity’s work is overseen by a senior leadership team who deeply believe that all people deserve a decent place to call home.